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3D-Weltkarte aus Holz Dune

Angebot$99.20 Regulärer Preis$330.67
Spare 70%
Größe: M (24 "x 39")
DUNE Größen leitfaden:
Stil: Blank (keine Namen & Grenze)


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3D-Weltkarte aus Holz Dune

Have you experienced the beauty of the dunes? Begin by charting your adventure with the 3D Wooden World Map Dune. Its stunning array of colors intricately captures the contours of landscapes, offering a journey as vivid as your future travels!


Medium Size

Our M size map is 24’’ by 39” (60 cm by 100 cm).
It is ideal for small rooms.


Large Size

Our L size map is 35’’ by 59” (90 cm by 150 cm).
It is ideal for small rooms or bedrooms.


XLarge Size

Our extra large size map is 47’’ by 79” (120 cm by 200 cm).
It is ideal for bedrooms or hallways rooms.


2XLarge Size

Our 2XL size map is 63’’ by 98” (160 cm by 250 cm).
It is ideal for big rooms, halls, playrooms.


3XLarge Size

Our 3XL size map is 69’’ by 118” (175 cm by 300 cm).
It is ideal for big rooms, halls, and playrooms.


Empty wall is not a solution

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Large Size Map


Blank Style Map

Our blank style maps are without country names and borders. If you like minimalism this option could fit your space. 3D maps of all sizes in 'blank' options are manufactured without any pre-made holes for push pins.


Prime Style Map

Our prime style maps are with country names and borders.
This option will interest you to look for places you have visited and encourage you to develop new travelings.


Prime+ Style Map

Our prime+ map style contains country names, borders+ mountains, and rivers. More info & richer colors.

Verwandeln Sie Ihren Raum mit der ruhigen 3D-Weltkarte „Dune“ aus Holz in Farbe. Diese warme, sandige Farbpalette erinnert an ruhige Dünen und sonnendurchflutete Landschaften und ist ideal, um in Ihrem Wohnzimmer oder Arbeitszimmer eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Lassen Sie Ihre Wände die Geschichte Ihrer Reiselust erzählen, während Sie mit diesem unverwechselbaren Kartendesign bequem von zu Hause aus auf eine globale Entdeckungsreise gehen.

Die 3D-Karte ist in verschiedenen Optionen verfügbar:

Leere Karte(nur Karte, Namen und Grenzen NICHT gedruckt);

Prime Map (nur Karte mit Namen, Grenzen, Flüssen und Seen aufgedruckt);

Prime+(Karte mit aufgedruckten Namen, Grenzen, Flüssen, Seen + Bergen);

The map's intricate design reveals many details, including country names and boundaries, capital cities, urban centers, rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges. Certain smaller islands and nations have been omitted from the design, rendering them unsuitable for educational purposes. To complement your wooden world map, remember to add these wooden flag sticky pins to your shopping cart.

You'll be pleasantly surprised by the ease of assembly for this vibrant world map, typically requiring only 1-2 hours. With Enjoy The Wood's straightforward instructions and included adhesive tape, you'll master the task in no time.


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