Genießen Sie die Geschichte der Marke Wood
- Einführung
- Gründer
- Alles begann mit einer Idee
- Kickstarter-Triumphe
- Die Herstellung der hölzernen Weltkarte
- Krieg und Wiederaufbau
- Beitrag zu den Kriegsanstrengungen der Ukraine
- ETW Global Partners
- ETW Globale Aktivitäten
- Umweltengagement
- ETW Team
Im Herzen der Ukraine wurde im Jahr 2014 die Geschichte von Enjoy The Wood lebendig. Aus der gemeinsamen Vision von Igor und Maryna Fostenko und der Unterstützung von Marynas Eltern entstand dieses Unternehmen mit Seele und Zielsetzung. Ihre Mission? Durch nachhaltige und stilvolle Kreationen Freude, Inspiration und Abenteuer in Häuser, Büros und Leben bringen. Und diese Mission lebt weiter.
Die Wurzeln dieses bemerkenswerten Unternehmens gehen auf Igors unerschütterlichen Optimismus zurück, selbst angesichts von Widrigkeiten. Sein Weg war geprägt von einer Kindheit voller Härten – Armut, Verlust, Obdachlosigkeit und persönlichen Konflikten. Doch diese Prüfungen erwiesen sich als Sprungbretter, die ihn zum Aufbau eines zielorientierten Unternehmens und einer widerstandsfähigen Familie führten.
Igors Vater hatte sie verlassen, als er und seine Schwester noch keine drei Jahre alt waren, und ihre Mutter musste sie alleine großziehen. Die Mutter betreute auch Igors behinderte Großmutter. Sie lebten in extremer Armut und hatten manchmal nicht genug zu essen.
„Geld war knapp. „Als ich sechs Jahre alt war, sammelten meine Schwester Katja und ich im Waldtal Erdbeeren und Lilien und verkauften sie dann auf dem Swjatoschinski-Markt“, erinnert sich Igor.
Igor war Zeuge des Kampfes seiner Mutter und träumte von dem Tag, an dem er erwachsen und unabhängig sein würde. Im Alter von 11 Jahren verloren Igors Mutter und Großmutter bei einer Tragödie ihr Leben. Igor und seine Schwester blieben allein zurück. Die Kinder zogen zunächst bei der neuen Familie ihres Vaters ein, landeten jedoch aufgrund ständiger Streitigkeiten auf der Straße.
Vier Jahre lang überlebte Igor in einem Keller unweit des Hauses seines Vaters und verbrachte die Winternächte in U-Bahn-Stationen. Er freundete sich mit anderen Ausreißern an und kämpfte mit Betteln und der Arbeit als Marktlader ums Überleben. Mit ihrem Verdienst konnten sie ihren Lebensunterhalt bestreiten, entwickelten aber auch eine gefährliche Klebstoffsucht.
Mit fünfzehn lernten Igor und seine Schwester Mykola kennen, der ihr Mentor wurde. Er nahm sie bei sich zu Hause auf, wo mehrere andere obdachlose Kinder wohnten. Die Kinder arbeiteten vormittags, lernten abends und gingen am Wochenende in die Kirche.
Mykolas bescheidenes Gehalt reichte kaum für ihren Lebensunterhalt. Im Winter räumte Igor Schnee, im Sommer mähte er Rasen und half Mykola, Autos für die Ersatzteile zu zerlegen. Nach und nach lernte Igor sein Handwerk und schon bald war er in der Lage, ein ganzes Auto an einem Tag zu zerlegen.
„Angetrieben von meiner Liebe zu Autos besuchte ich nach meinem Abendstudium eine Schule für Elektromechanik. Ich habe hervorragende Leistungen erbracht und mit Auszeichnung abgeschlossen."
Igor lernte Maryna im Alter von sechzehn Jahren kennen und heiratete sie mit einundzwanzig. Er träumte davon, ein Familienunternehmen zu gründen.
„Ich sehnte mich nach einem Leben, in dem meine Familie alles hatte, was sie brauchte. Es hat mich motiviert, Unternehmer zu werden."
Angetrieben von ihrer Neigung, Risiken einzugehen und innovative Unternehmungen zum Leben zu erwecken, entwickelten Igor und Maryna ständig neue Ideen.

Alles begann mit einer Idee
Während eines Familienessens erwähnten Marynas Eltern einen Freund, der gravierte Artikel auf Etsy verkaufte. Die Idee faszinierte Igor und Maryna. Sie beschlossen, zunächst erlesene und funktionale Haushaltswaren herzustellen und diese auf Etsy zu verkaufen. So entstand 2014 Enjoy The Wood. Im Jahr 2016 hatte Igor die Idee, eine faszinierende Weltkarte aus Holz für seine Bürowand zu entwerfen.
The Making of the Wooden World Map
Enjoy The Wood specializes in crafting exquisite handmade maps with meticulous attention to detail. Each map is a unique work of art, carefully designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and advanced techniques for durability.

These painted parts, ranging from 3-5 mm thickness, are glued to a 4 mm workpiece with pre-engraved borders for uniformity. Quality controllers ensure compliance with manufacturing requirements and finalize all the details. This adds individuality.
Finally, the packers put not only the map parts, foam and various accessories such as pins into the box, but also the warmth and incredibly special energy that you will feel as soon as you unpack your order.
The process begins with CNC machines engraving country names and capitals on birch plywood. Parts are cut along country borders, and grinding machines make them smooth to the touch. Parts are painted with oil and wax for wood preservation.

Enjoy The Wood's Originality and Legal Confirmation
As a unique home decor store, Enjoy The Wood always respects legislation and norms in manufacturing processes, with an original concept underlying all the activities. This, in turn, allows us to strive for safety, efficiency, quality, and sustainability in our projects. Knowing what makes an original product from the section above, let’s see how Enjoy The Wood fits the bill.
- Copyright. All rights to original wall decor are reserved by the author –Ihor Fostenko.
- Unique design. Our original art and home decor come in a myriad of designs, shapes, and sizes.
- Quality materials.Authentic room decor is crafted from natural materials – high-quality birch plywood tinted to the natural wood color using wax-based paint while preserving the texture of the material
- Anti-counterfeit strategies. Ihor Fostenko has the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Enjoy The Wood map décor within (inter)national markets, confirmed by the patents mentioned in the Copyright section. The precondition for obtaining patents, such as the design novelty, was observed.
War and Rebuilding
Prior to the war, Enjoy The Wood built a modern production facility in Borodyanka and relocated its main office to Irpin. These were lost in the war, along with equipment valued at $2 million and $300,000 worth of finished products.
One month later, they made a remarkable comeback in Serednie near Uzhgorod, overcoming challenges to rebuild. The company secured a new location, facilitated the transportation and resettlement of personnel, re-established logistics and procurement processes. On top of that, they supported the Ukrainian army by purchasing body armor, helmets, vehicles, and organizing fundraising events. Throughout the war, their team has worked tirelessly to acquire and deliver humanitarian aid to the local population.

our office in Irpin

our manufacture in Borodyanka

our rebilding in Uzhgorod

re-establishing logistics and procurement processes
Contributing to Ukraine's War Effort
In April 2022, Enjoy The Wood purchased 120 body armor and 50 helmets worth 1,800,000 UAH. In August 2022, they organized the first charity training marathon called "Enjoy The Export" and donated 2, 030, 000 UAH to Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation. They conducted a charity raffle in partnership with Open Hearts, raising 100,000 UAH. In January 2023, Enjoy The Wood donated 500,000 UAH for drones and partnered with Zdvizhevka residents to raise funds for safety nets. Overall, they have contributed over 5,5 million UAH to the war effort and continue to do so.
From frontline heroes to lifesavers and energy system defenders, each individual and collective contribution, no matter how small, counts. Diplomatic efforts, information warfare, volunteering, and business development all play crucial roles.
"We urge you to join our journey toward a brighter future for Ukraine, asking: What can you do today to aid Ukraine? Together, we shall achieve victory, and Ukraine will thrive!"

ETW Global Partners
Empowering Global B2B Sales
Enjoy the Wood has expanded their B2B sales worldwide since 2021, starting with Japan. In just two years, they’ve achieved stable sales figures in the USA, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The focus on customization allows them to tailor wooden decor products to local preferences and traditions.
The company’s success is rooted in understanding the diverse needs of their global partners. They work closely with B2B clients, fostering trust and collaboration, offering personalized guidance throughout the sales process.
Quality is of utmost priority. They use premium materials and meticulous craftsmanship to create durable and elegant wooden decor. Enjoy The Wood is committed to excellence as they expand B2B sales worldwide, forging partnerships and creating inspiring environments.
Partnering in Times of War
Before the war, Enjoy the Wood signed a contract with a U.S. partner for 900 maps, intending sea delivery upon transporting the maps from Irpin to Odesa. On February 23rd, the maps were loaded on the ship and ready for the long voyage. However, on February 24th, the war broke out, disrupting the sea routes. The maps were redirected to western Ukraine, then shipped to Hamburg, Germany, and finally, to their destination.
This incident, later followed by the destruction of the production facilities and offices, tested the company’s logistics abilities and resilience to the maximum. Not only was the team of Enjoy The Wood able to save.

ETW Global Activities
The Enjoy The Wood's LED map stood out, alongside other decor items and eye-catching product packaging. Reflecting on the event, Igor Fostenko shared that his goal extended well beyond financial success. For him, the experience was about inspiring others to embrace their own creative endeavors.

Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, September 07-11, 2023
Enjoy The Wood team is currently attending Maison&objet Paris Expo. It is the decoration and lifestyle industry’s most highly publicized event in Europe. All the latest trends, musts, and non-standard decisions — everything you need in your daily routine — have been gathered in one place to inspire.
67,000 visitors all over the world, 145 countries represented, 2,300 exhibitors —Maison&Objet Paris is a concentration of creative talent and top leaders in each niche.
With such a variety of products, the only thing that can bring you success is to be the best manufacturer in your niche

At High Point Market 2022 in the USA
Enjoy The Wood debuted as the first Ukrainian company to showcase wall decor. As the largest home furnishings industry trade show in the world, the event provided a unique platform for Enjoy The Wood to display their craftsmanship and modern design. They introduced handmade wooden maps and unique decor to a new audience, highlighting their innovation and eco-friendliness.

At AmericasMart Atlanta 2023
Enjoy The Wood vividly displayed their creative expertise and technical skill. The event brought together designers and retailers from across the United States and over 60 countries to explore the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

Environmental Commitment
Despite the ongoing war, Enjoy The Wood continues vital projects to make the world a better place. They've teamed up with Tree-Nation to combat climate change by offsetting CO2 emissions. Customers can contribute to reforestation by purchasing Enjoy The Wood products via Tree-Nation's platform. The platform allows visitors to track the progress of their tree planting contributions. With the help of interactive maps and personalized profiles, individuals can visualize the impact of their purchase, and have a sense of connection.
This partnership aids habitat preservation and carbon reduction, while aligning with UN goals, making Enjoy The Wood a socially responsible brand for eco-conscious customers.
ETW team
These are just glimpses of the incredible minds propelling Enjoy The Wood's journey forward. In today's competitive and turbulent world, Enjoy The Wood stands out not just as a business, but as an embodiment of human spirit. With each product they create, they infuse a piece of their journey, inviting you to join them on this extraordinary odyssey of craftsmanship, perseverance and bravery.